Tuesday, December 17, 2013

here's a strange and bitter crop & the uncanny valley

so space and time are interwoven, they're not a duality but for the sake of conversation they sure are.
which, into each part we can take a symbolic dive in a theatre of imagination; we inhabit a dichotomy paradox of ourselves. listen - herein lies the practical problematic of group consensus (it quickly a rubick's cube becoming)... fractal spectacular divisions and diversions in unity. it's an issue of resolving (accepting) an infinitely recurring tendency of premises, the voices involved either:
accept premise(s), reject conclusion
reject premise(s), accept conclusion
accept premise(s) & conclusion
reject premise(s) & conclusion
with each of these being infinitely reducible/expandable - try to imagine a simple difference of height, with the implication of an endless degree of relative angular variation, or "perspective". see how words do it just by making themselves understandable.
analysis aside, we just repeat patterns in nature.
for instance, right now i'm in orbit.

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