interpretation is a twofold act of knowing the world and becoming aware of the world. these enjoy a reciprocal relationship, if they are given an opportunity to flourish. as each of these is realized in experience, the sensation of the empirical - whose personality is not neutral but historical - necessarily provokes or sustains a broad variety of lifestyles. just as the movement of history and the play of its collective forces lifts some, it weighs others down. the history of the relations of the capitalist mode of production is the force behind contemporary global conditions of extreme inequality. interpretation of relations and environments is a commons that has been trampled and muddied over and swollen with blood. it is here that idea is possibility, and the commons are as vast as humanity itself. still we deny and kill. a lifestyle is what each of us inhabits, but its quality depends on force of history, if not simply force of arms. of all the wealth produced in the world, what is come?
'in this sense, the theory of the communists may be summed up in the single sentence: abolition of private property.'
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